Chris Norman & Band | |
Moscow, club “B1 Maximum”, March 8, 2008 | |
Set list: | |
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The concert time: 1 h 40 min | |
Chris Norman Band: | |
Shannon Callahan - acoustic guitar, vocals, Geoff Carline - guitar-solo, Axel Kowollik - bass, Martina Walbeck - keyboards, Dorino Goldbrunner - drums. | |
Report | |
After it became clear that everybody who was able was going to that concert I felt myself deprived of something necessary and significant for me. Only one week was left until the 8th of March. What present would I like to get on that holiday? What will I do on these 3 days off? There are always lots of things to do at home, though. You don't need to think long how to fill the days. To clean up the house, to arrange all that things which you never have time for in short evenings after long working days. To do some shopping, to make a holiday dinner. To let the daughter have computer for games and to let the husband have DVD player for viewing action movie. And for myself to listen to 3-5 songs from Chris Norman's disc at remaining time. But. I feel the need to change something in this stereotyped pattern. And Chris Norman will perform in the capital right at that time. Oh, what a pity!! How could I get there?.. I have no fairy in friends. Well, therefore I will be a fairy for myself. First, I need a “carriage”. Two de luxe trains Petersburg-Moscow and Moscow-Petersburg can suit well for this role. I have to think over what to put on. And a footwear should be especially comfortable to stroll in Moscow a whole day and to spend the whole concert standing. And, by the way, also to be able to run to train not losing any shoe. Because you don't know for sure when the concert will finish but train will leave right on time. At midnight. Well, everything is ready. Even tickets to the show have been ordered via internet and bought straight in Petersburg. Wonders of civilization! Moscow on the 8th of March seemed to me rather quiet, not many cars on streets. Grey sky, damp asphalt, passages in metro, night lights of Kremlin. And here comes the “B1 Maximum” club. The entrance. Correct securities in grey suits. Metal detectors, spacious cloakroom. Grey and black coloured bricks of walls. Stairway leading to the dance hall. Blue and pink glows of stage in semidarkness. Dazzlingly white tableclothes on tables. High ceilings end no one knows where. A call on mobile phone and I get acquainted with Stranger. I'd assign him a role of magician and wizard. I wouldn't get to know about the coming concert without his website. And here comes DK67. I tried to find Belka but didn't succeed to meet my townsman. Maybe next time... But what a present brings me DK67. The box of chocolates from Ukraine and even THREE CDs. Containing Smokie and the last album of Chris. I am already happy! But the main personage is still ahead. The concert delayes on 20 minutes. Only 20 minutes of waiting. People standing crowded before the stage, wandering along the bars or taking up the tables. But at last, Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome. Chris's team takes places at their instruments and He appears - Mister Chris Norman - King of the Ball. He walks with a gentle gait from the dark coulisses to the microphone and without giving a chance to the audience to show their enthusiasm he covers them all by the wave of his voice. I'll meet you at midnight... Under the moonlight... Then more songs. Chris looks a bit tired. His face is calm and restrained. Ashy dark blond hairs. A dimmed gaze. But gradually he warmes up and gets into a beat. He begins to make faces and grimaces. — And how are you getting on in English? - questioning mister Norman. Oh, Chris! This is already a polite conversation from Your side. How gracious You are, my musical prince. And me... me... hardly can understand what are You singing about! And to my shame (what an ignoramus), I haven't even heard some songs yet. But I will improve. As I have the site whose magicians help me to get to know about everything what had happened and happens at Your musical court.
But what is the time? It's 23.00 soon. Time to go to the train station. Metro stations flicker, a change for another line, a waiting room, a platform. “Carriage” waiting for me not having turned into a pumpkin. Good shaped conductors in a house styled coats standing near sleepers. And no one of the shoes is lost... All the way I sleep like a log on an upper berth. And here comes Petersburg. I am back home. But songs of Chris are still in my ears and the club's atmosphere is still around me. Am I still there? Or already here? Three cherished discs are lying on my table. Through the fog of euphoria in my head I think: I have done it!!! So you see, what kind of presents non-fairytale Cinderellas of today make themselves! | |
© Amazonka, St.Petersburg, 18.03.2008 | |
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